Today is our last day in Greece before flying off to the places we call home, to resettle into our routines...but not too much I hope. This is the part I hate, though I know we'll see everyone again and probably not too far from now. I don't just like seeing what God has been doing over here, nor just participating in it, but I like becoming part of a family that extends beyond the boundaries and boxes of America. There are so many memorable moments...I've enjoyed traveling with people I consider my closest friends, people I've walked with for many years now. We've all grown up so much and it's cool to see the fruit in their lives. Being in Skopje just six months ago and returning I saw in such a short time things being established and multiplied in the Spirit at such a fast rate that I have a feeling the next time I come I won't even recognize that small army God is raising up. I love those people with all my heart and am honored to be united with them. The church here in Thessaloniki is gonna be one of a kind and I'm grateful that I had the chance to spend time with Tommie and his family. Their work here is unparalleled...their food galactic...their jokes something of revolutionizing...Ok, ok so you all want to come now don't you?
More pictures to come...stayed tuned.