Friday, September 28, 2007

Downside Up

by Peter Gabriel

I looked up at the tallest building
Felt it falling down
I could feel my balance shifting
Everything was moving around
These streets so fixed and solid
Ah shimmering haze
And everything that I relied on disappeared

Downside up, upside down
Take my weight from the ground
Falling deep in the sky
Slipping in the unknonwn
All the strangers look like family
All the family looks so strange
The only constant I am sure of
Is this accelerating rate of change

Downside up, upside down
Take my weight off the ground
Falling deep in the sky
Slipping in the unknown

I stand here
Watch you spinning
Until I am drawn in
A centripetal force
You pull me in

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Emerald Roots

I've been getting back to my love for the Emerald country of late; I guess it started a few weeks ago, but I've been listening to Iona's new cd...very beautiful, and loving the last bit of summer. I was reading some stuff about some of the Irish madmen, like Saint Patrick, and St. Francis of Assisi, who "prayed and danced with pagan abandon." As Chesterton writes about Assisi, "St. Francis did in a definite sense make the very act of living an art, though it was an unpremeditated art. Many of his acts will seem grotesque and puzzling to a rationalistic taste." He was a mystic of the truest sense, not hiding from the world, not escaping into his ideals, but changing the things around him through the power of individuality and relationship with God. He had a dream in which he was fighting in a great battle so when he awoke from it he ran off to the Crusades to join the cause. But he soon got very sick, and had to return home in which he heard a voice say "you mistook the meaning of the vision." Out of great humility, he realized the call had been to the poor, the lepers of his town whence he thereafter threw himself into the service of.

Some things about the Celtic I identify with:

love/natural inclination for art and music
sense of the supernatural; no boundaries between secular and Christian
appreciation of nature
loyal and passionate
family/clan oriented churches instead of hierarchical establishments
fiery spirit, witty humor

Friday, September 14, 2007


So I changed the chorus to the previous song cause it just felt like whenever I was singing it it wanted to go somewhere else and I felt like i hit it today and I feel satisfied. I'm heading out to Kansas City to IHOP next month for a long weekend to sit in on a women's conference and to just partake of the house of prayer. I can't wait...I've wanted to visit there for at least six years now. If you have ITunes you should download the free One Thing podcasts...they're very encouraging, to say the least and really challenge me in my prayer and worship life. But it's cool to hear testimonies of people who've been living that fasted, worship lifestyle for a while now and that there are people hungry out there for the presence of God, 24 hours a day.

new chorus:

Hear, hear our God

in His glory, in His might

He, He has come

in beauty, in radiance

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I've been playing around with this one for a few weeks now but I think it's done and i can't wait to try it in worship.

You have set me apart, enflamed my heart
burn Your seal on these hands for war
I will worship You in the spirit of David
until I behold the face of the Lord

An army is rising
with holy on her skin
with a cry like thunder
the Lord be ushered in

Holy, Holy, our God
Worthy, worthy His call
He will break forth like a mighty man of war
and all our enemies will fall

I will sing for You to claim Your captives
I will roar in the fear of the Lord
I will take the enemy by surprise
Shake the earth with the glory of God