So I really don't like reading Christian fiction novels cause usually they're cheesy copies of what's already been written by more imaginative authors. But I gave in and bought a copy of Dekker's revamped novel "Blink of an Eye." The writing is not top notch but the story and action are pretty well developed. It's about this genius guy who starts seeing all possible futures in the events surrounding him and this Muslim princess he's helping. Eventually he can see three hours into the future, pitting him against the NSA's finest minds, and even a little Vegas high rolling. I haven't finished it yet so I won't give away the conclusion but I found this cool little quote in the back of the book he'd written.
Q: How would you describe what it's like to have one of your novels made into a film?
A: They say that writing a novel is like rowing a bathtub across the Atlantic, something I've known to repeat. Making a movie is trying to fly a paper airplane to the moon. Put it in another way, both are like giving birth. I'm a man, how would you know, you ask? I've birthed sixteen novels and I doubt many women could put up with the kind of pain endured with each delivery.
(Well, I don't know about that Dekker, but you've made your point, while admitting you've birthed only sixteen decent babies. I'd like mine to be excellent children, skilled in the ways of the Jedi. ;)