Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I finished finding a melody for Noah's song. I think I'm gonna really like it. There's something really great when an idea that starts with one person is transformed into a larger body. I can only imagine what some of the great composers must have felt when their music was played by the entire orchestra for the first time. It takes on a life of its own. And you as the author are free to move within the boundaries that you've created, adding and improvising, decorating it with more intricate care.

What I've learned in the past few days is this: leadership is not really leadership until you no longer see any benefit for yourself but only for the people you're leading. I watched "The Core" the other night and although the movie pretty much flopped, there was this line that sort of hit home. Someone told Hillary Swank that she wasn't a leader until she lost. I think this is true for several reasons. One, no one will trust your infallible ways. You're not human to them. Two, you won't learn anything of value. You play it too safe and therefore will lead in such a manner. Three, you won't know what you're made of deep in your heart. Are you one who gives into to failure or do you press on?

Quote for the night: The Apostle says that a certain thing was imputed to Abraham as righteousness: or, as the revised version has it, "reckoned unto him." What was it that was thus imputed to Abraham? The righteousness of another? God forbid! It was his own faith. The faith of Abraham is reckoned to him for righteousness. -George MacDonald


Anonymous said...

Indeed, the ability to know your failures and weaknesses is key to success as a leader. As you said...people want to see you as "human" or "subject to error"...Matthew 1 does a great job of emphasizing this when telling about the geneology of Christ. All of it is laden with people who made some pretty mike mistakes.

And then of course it starts of with: "Jesus Christ, son of God"...right? errrr...no "Jesus Christ, son of David"....go figure! :)

St.Alpin of Przhino said...

Hey Amy, it was great hanging with you again.You are so to the point of what you said on leadership. I'm linking your blog to mine so we'll be in touch

Anonymous said...

Hi mate,
Good hangin with you guys over in Beograd thus past few weeks. I'll be linking to you from this point on. Keep it interestng...!! ;)