It all began the night before when Ryan lost the key to the car and I had to drive up that night with a spare. Eight of us crammed into a two bed room and let me just say the night was everything but peaceful. I was out that morning by 8:30 am.

Jesse, Gail, and I taking a breather. We converted Gail from the declining age of skiing to the ever-growing and unique art of snowboarding. She's a surfer and so caught on very quick. It was great to meet you.

My day was rather relaxing because the snow was slowly melting; so I took it easy, enjoyed some quiet time by the lake with a cool beer whilst the others ventured off on their own exploits. It's interesting drinking one beer at such high elevations...does funny things.

That's me on my fairly new burton board. It's so smoothe...I'm in love.

The center of the village. The clock reminds me of the one from Back to the Future. And yes, that's Starbucks, the other rendevouz point where I was able to get in some much needed reading time. Bonhoeffer's "The Cost..." wow, never made it all the way through the first time. But let's see a favorite quote: "There is a distinction here between suffering and rejection. Had He only suffered, Jesus might still have been applauded as the Messiah. All the sympathy and admiration of the world might have been focused on His passion./But in the passion Jesus is a rejected Messiah. His rejection robs the passion of its halo of glory. It must be a passion without honor."

The group, though I never saw them until the end of the day. Once lost on that mountain it's hard to find anyone. All in all a great day with some much needed rest.
looks like you had fun..:)
Merry X-Mas!
you too!
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