Saturday, February 24, 2007

Hippy Days

So I've been thinking about this tree, dont' ask me, and wanted to write a story song about it after listening to some folk stuff lately.

There is a tree growing wide and tall
and your leaves are green like emeralds
I saw you first when you were just a seed
barely strong enough to stand the cold

You sit as if you’re a king among the trees
with a story to tell, with roots spread deep
that have drank their fill of tears
and made a man young with laugher

When those crows come resting on you
when the moon has hidden her face
You feel alone while winter’s on her way
and everyone’s gone till next year

You’re skin is like the brightest copper
You’d sell your blood for just one touch
I promise to come and see you soon
Oh faithful friend, when spring is again

There is a season for everything

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