Tigers are a very frightening thing. Given the choice I'd rather have a pet lion rather than a tiger. There's something very dark I feel in the nature of a tiger. Anyway, dream last night...I'm at my grandparent's and there are several peops with me hanging out in the front yard. Someone spots a tiger sort of creeping around in some tall grass, so we run for the front door and have to hold it shut while this beastie tries to get in (cause the door won't lock). After a while the tiger gets bored and goes roaming some more. Eventually it goes down the road with a kill in its mouth and we go outside to watch it. It meets up with two more adult tigers at the neighbor's house. Then little babies come out and they're all just sitting by a pond where two men are boating around. I don't think this dream was anything other than a be careful to what you open doors to sort of dream. And the grandparent's house is usually referencing a generational thing.
i think tigers are mysterious..and dangerous..:)...hey,where did you get the pictures from,are they from some book of mythology?..
haha i don't know...some random sight. it just cracked me up.
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