Friday, November 09, 2007

A Bitter Cup of Joe

First business first, my birthday is Sunday and I'll be the ripe old age of 25. No comment...I haven't posted in a while cause time has flown by this month and I look back and wonder where the heck it all went to. I've been too busy, too scattered, and left feeling a little worn out, with some frustration and just a pinch of bitterness. But I spent some time this morning listening to music, my favorite people, and was refreshed by the fact at how much art touches your heart, livens you, even when you have nothing to give back. All you artists out there know how hard it is to finally create something that's been stirring inside of you, to give birth if you will to the small life that's been taking shape within you. It's such a difficult process, such a painful and lonely one, sometimes, but always rewarding. I imagine renowned artists confronting the dark mockery of the ignorant world with swift, sure bullets straight to the heart when in truth it's probably the same for them as it is for us. Somehow you muddle through it, pick yourself up, and keep going. You write a song, make a movie, act a part, paint a picture etc. and the general populace has little knowledge of what it took to get you there...they think to themselves, what a glorious life, to sit on a hill and craft the epic Oddessey. Little do they know you've had to fight Circe, swim against the tide of the Sirens, outsmart the cyclops, transform from a pig to a man. Anyway, that's my spewing for the day...I'm sure I'll apologize tomorrow.

1 comment:

Sheamus the... said...

Thats great that my musical melody on your phone inspired such a great post from you. 25? Wow...I would say thats getting up there but Paul is like 28 or something...not to mention Gray, Ducky, Capt. Aycock. So I would say you are doing just fine in the brewing of your ageless soul. Kepp up the writing and wear your birthday suit with pride. It all comes into perspective when you look at your parents and realize how old they. Keep your feet moving and your knees high. Dont spend too much time in the sunny slopes of yesterday and maybe I will see you in the cold bitter November winds of Macedonia.