I went to see "Horton Hears a Who" last night and really enjoyed it. It's really a very creative idea, though we all think at some point in our lives "hey, maybe we're a speck in a much larger world, and they're watching us like fish in a fishbowl." At least I've definitely wondered that...but what set it apart for Seuss I think is the fact that he connects those two worlds and they're able to hear and speak to each other. Todays prophets are saying this is a word to the masses concerning abortion and that "a person is a person no matter how small." I totally agree with that angle. But I think for me, the best part was at the end when the Who's are trying to get enough sound out so the large people in that other world can hear them, they start singing "we're here" as loudly and with as much sound as they can. The sound waves start echoing into space, yet there is this barrier there blocking them from penetrating into the other world. Well, the Spirit started to speak to me about worship and how it changes the atmosphere around you. That's why I like singing on the Drill Field and other places b/c where you start sending waves into the air, that place is gonna change. You may not have immediate results but eventually something is gonna break. Back to the movie, the singing is going out into space but still it's not enough to break that barrier. Finally, one boy grabs a funnel and with all his heart, sings into it. That is the final straw. Something breaks in the atmosphere and all that sound goes tumbling into the other world. It's a picture of warring in the heavenlies. People give up too easily when it comes to prayer and worship in the heavenlies when their requests or partitions aren't answered right away. It takes perseverance until you press through that which hinders our voices from being heard and having effect. Like Daniel when he prayed for twenty-one days until Michael awas able to come to him (who had been hindered by the Prince of Persia). It's not that God doesn't want to move on our behalf but sometimes there are forces working to misdirect our praise and prayers. We have to continue on like those Who's...until something breaks.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Tribute to Lost

For me, this episode was emotionally packed with the power of redemption and if you only watch one episode this season...this one is it. It's a little early to say, but even with the return of Michael, I can't help but feel "The Constant" has won my heart. However, last week's glimpse into the future has definitely disturbed the masses. Jin dead? I think I felt a tear at that one. Let me know your Lost theories and let's get swept away in the waves of mystery and uncertainty.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Only Three

Monday, March 10, 2008
Lyons of Judah
So I went to Lyons, Georgia this weekend with Rick and team for a strongholds conference. It was an awesome time, filled with good fellowship, on-point teaching, and alot of counseling. Not that we have anything to offer them that they don't have to offer us, but it's good to be a blessing to each other. They're very strong in creativity and we had the chance to eat in one of the most innovative restaurants that I've ever seen...Elements. Their hospitality and genuine compassion is evident in everything they do. After two days of teaching and counseling Sara and I took a horse back ride across Tom's land, through the river, and over Clint's pine trees. I stayed at his mother's house who is full of life and spunk...called Radovan a mess and Robert Mearns a brain. Like every place you visit and have the opportunity to share Christ, you always leave a part of you there...until the next time you come. We're not so different. Eat Mexican after church, go all out in worship, enjoy five cups o jo when you're moving from session to session, it's nice to see kingsway really shares a similar heart among its bodies. But it's good to be home and maybe I'll post pics soon. Gotta go see my nephew.
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