Friday, September 30, 2005

Something to Play, Something to Sing

Here's something I worked on this evening instead of going to see History of Violence. I just wasn't in the mood at the last second and sat down to play my guitar instead. This is what came of it, although I had had the melody for some time. It's a working progress. I think it's gonna have either a bridge added to it or a chorus to the already existing chorus/pre-chorus.

Did I boast when I should have spoken in weakness?
Did I laugh when I should have cried for the broken?
Did I see evil when I should have seen beauty?

I know You have not left (repeat)

Did I sleep when I should have kept watching?
Did I hide when they asked me Your name?
Did I stand or did I run away when they brought their stones?

That's it for now. I love the chord progression the most. Sounds cool. It's been an up and down week. I've done a lot of crying and a lot of laughing. Maybe it's cause we sang on Sunday or maybe it's more birthing pains. Had a baby dream last night. I was walking along a beach and the waves were breaking parallel to the beach, not on the beach. They were huge and I remember staring at them in fascination. I had a small baby with me and I ran into several people I knew. One wave did break right up against a man's house that I visited. My baby was very small and I was concerned for it.

If birthing stuff hurts this bad in the non-physical sense I can't imagine what it'll be like in the physical. But at least you know it's a set nine month period and you can use anethesia. My birthday is coming up I mentioned before. I only mention it again cause I guess I have this birth notion on the brain. I was born on Veteran's does that make me a veteran? I wish. I always feel like some messy amateur who happens to pull the trigger in the nick of time. Well that's it for tonight folks. Thanks for tuning in. Yellena if you read this...Andjelka said she'd send you this site and the ashes song lyrics. I'd love to read some of your stuff too. Email me at

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