I do not want to spoil too much of the movie for ya if you haven't seen it yet. Two of my favorite parts were however:
The scene in which Susan and Lucy are stranded in the tree by two wolves and Peter comes to their rescue. Aslan soon follows but instead of killing the wolves in one quick move he steps on one and allows the other to circle Peter. He says "Stay back...this fight is Peter's" or something like that. He knows the young king needs to know himself that he has what it takes to be a king. The wolf taunts Peter, "You don't have the courage. You're only playing..." Finally the wolf plunges and Peter slays it. Aslan allows the other wolf to go, telling his men to follow it because it will lead them to Edmund. I felt like this displayed the Lord's wisdom when most often we don't understand it but we are called to trust.
And I love the ending when Aslan is leaving and Lucy is upset. Mr. Tumnus tells her that they will see him again but you never know when. "For He is not a tame lion."
I also liked the part when the White Witch asks Aslan, "How do I know you will keep your promise?" And He just roars. She immediately sits down in her seat, looking dismayed.
I cannot say how much this movie uplifted my heart...to see King Jesus in the light of battle and His children's destinies. "Once a king or queen, always a king or queen." Long live the Lion!
1 comment:
I already told you what I thought of this...wes west ya'll
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