Monday, January 16, 2006


Well this has been on my heart for a while. I would love to hear it put to a ballad-like tune on the piano...hint hint. So Chris if you have some stuff floating around in that noggin' of yours that would be way cool. I want to keep it simple. Anyway, let me know if you come up with anything. I think the piano would really compliment it.

I'm calling it Hosea for right now cause that's where the inspiration came from.

This one You said she’s beautiful
And You knew her so deeply
before her days began as a child
Everything she would be wonderful
In her youth trusting a holy love

It was You who taught her to walk
She walked away into other arms
sold her heart for a dying comfort
when all along it was Your healing
It was Your pleasure she needed

Then You said one day
You’re gonna change your mind
One day you will loose Me
in the sands of Achor
But I won’t leave
No I’ll never leave
For there you’ll find the door
that leads to freedom

Then You said one day
You’re gonna change your mind
One day you will remember Me
in the sands of Achor
Still I love all the same
Still I love all the more
No longer call me master
but find me your husband


Anonymous said...

I'll ponder this tonight on my piano...I have some melodies runnign through my mind right now...let me see if I can translate them...

Anonymous said...

Did you mean "Return to Me" on Great River Road...when you said Jason Upton's song "Prodigal son"?

Mad Frenchie said...

yeah...that one.

Anonymous said...

ok cool..just checking...there's a song by Keith Green called Prodigal I was just making sure I was listening to the right song...