Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Recaps From Wonder

I finished this book about a week ago and it is really amazing. Same sort of flavor as Lewis' Weight of Glory. I recommend it if you're in the mood for some Spirit filled apologetics. Here are some of my favorite recaps from Recapture the Wonder:

On heaven:

The existential longing for the ultimate in beauty and serenity--that is heaven. To start with, knowing what it means to live by essence and not by function--what it means to be, apart from what it means to do--nudges open the door of understanding. In heaven, faith becomes sight. We see His presence in a way that our earthly being can never envision. (I am jumping around a bit here). In the human body, touch is a critical sensation. We know so much through touch, both of love and pain. Jesus introduces here the one aspect that is indispensable to the full enjoyment of sight and touch--purity. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God."

G. K. Chesterson once said that man is a misshapen monster with his feet set forward and his head set back. In other words, he wants to move forward, striving, grasping, climbing, but deep inside he knows that if he is to find rest at the end of the day, he must head back home or he will be dining with a different family each night---and even a banquet gets monotonous if you feast every night. Coming home to where the wonder is, is the way to retain it in perpetual rest of heart. In other words, progress and common points of return are not mutually exclusive idea. Because origination and destination are identitical venues does not expel progress.

Well...I am still feeling weary and worn out from this damnable cold. It doesn't seem to be getting better. It's one of those green snot, stuck down in the chest colds. I hate sleeping though...such a waste of time. So I try to do stuff and get all frustrated cause nothing seems very productive. Prince of Persia time. Peace out my homies.

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