Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Remember the Book Worm in KQVI?

Feeling better today. I've been doing a lot of reading lately and I started last night John Elderidge's first book co-written with Brent Curtis called The Sacred Romance. I've always wanted to read this one because his friend Brent died tragically a short time after it was written and John makes mention of him in other books. Like Wild at Heart, Captivating, and Waking the Dead, it deals with reviving the heart from which the wellsprings of life flow. Here's a quote from it which I believe to be a good summation of what the book is about:

Romance is the deepest thing in life, romance is deeper even than reality.--G.K. Chesterson

The Romance whispers that we are someone special, that our heart is good because it is made for someone good; the Arrows tell us we are dime a dozen, worthless, even dark and twisted, dirty. Where is life to be found? The Romance tells us life will flourish when we give it away in love and heroic sacrifice. The Arrows tell us that we must arrange for what little life there may be, manipulating our world and all the while watching our backs. "God is good," the Romance tells us. "You can release the well-being of your heart to Him." The Arrows strike back, "Don't ever let your life out of control," and they seem to impale with such authority, unlike the gentle urges of Romance, that in the end we are driven to find some way to contain them. The only way seems to be to kill our longing for the Romance, much in the same way we harden our heart to someone who hurts us. If I don't want so much, we believe, I won't be so vulnerable. Instead of dealing with the Arrows, we silence the longing. That seems to be our only hope. And so we loose heart.

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