Monday, April 24, 2006


Well I had a strange dream concerning dinosaurs, again. I've to believe they're spiritual forces or obstacles in my own dreams. This time it was a herd of brontosauruses that were attacking. I was at some city near the ocean. I was with two other girls and we were walking along an embankment at night that shouldered the water. We had already escaped one dinosaur's mouth. We saw about three more in the distance and decided to turn around. There was one behind us too, so we sort of waded through the water, beyond a metal gate and kept moving past these seaside apartments. We joined up with another group of people but they were walking too close to the apartments. I felt like a dinosaur could reach its long neck over the building without us even noticing and we'd be caught up in its mouth. So we separated ourselves and moved out farther along the land (the sea had ended, it was day, and we were walking through these green fields). We saw some huge power generators. At first I thought they might be some kind of amusment park ride, then I saw sparks coming off them and the power lines above. I heard a sound farther off which sounded like another dinosaur. We ran for some trees to hide. It ended up being two ptarodactyls. They flew overhead but I don't remember seeing the other group of people after that. We hid alongside a fence and on the other side was a man mowing his lawn. And that's it. Oh yeah, I lost my cell phone. One of the girls wanted to call someone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you meet up with Sawyer at anytime during this dream? ;)