Thursday, April 13, 2006


Today was a beautiful day. Aaron popped by on Robert's motorcycle, which I later rode with Robert through my neighborhood. Blue sky, warm sun, and green hills. Then, I went to see Bugz about getting my tattoo touched up a bit. Small world. He told me to tell Robert to call him while he's in town. Later, I went to Barnes to look up a book and visited some old co-workers. Ah, I do miss them. Ya ever feel like you know exactly how your life is going to turn out, at least in some aspects, and then it does a complete 180 on you? Not in a bad way, but it's unexpected. You have to adjust, almost like you're a completely different person. The ole butterfly metamorphis analogy might apply here. *INSERT* Anyway, in all my randomness today, I found myself seeing new possibilities and getting excited about them. It's really spring. It's easy to feel trapped in one part of your life because it's what you've been living in. But all it is, is the next stage that leads onto the next and the next. My advice? Stay adaptable or learn to be. Don't be afraid to make huge mistakes. Make them! And have fun. Gosh, we have to be here a while, may as well be fun.


Sheamus the... said...

good blog amus...good blog...

Anonymous said...

Word, I will let you know about next Thursday once I hear anything. After today, I will be looking to set up gigs. I'm open to anyone playing long as the transitions are smooth...

Is Ben doing keys next Friday? I ask because I thought he was...but Jeremy mentioned having me do Ashes with you I wasn't sure.

Mad Frenchie said...

yeah, i think he is. but, we could still do ashes. we'll just switch ya out. lol.

Miriam said...

umm, really gad i found your blog. i love the whole be adaptable thing. thanks for the inspiration.