I just finished watching the half-season conclusion of Battlestar Galactica, which will pick back up sometime in the fall. I have one cliche word for you. Amazing. The past couple of episodes have flung us headlong into the human-Cylon struggle to find peace and rebuild a world that both have a hand in destroying. As they continue on a course for Earth, sanity is lost, betrayal inevitable, and hope dwindles for no one is who they think they are, and home is a fading dream. The young, pompous son has matured into a great leader, president in the absence of Laura, the hot-headed, rebellious Thrace has finally achieved her destiny in unlocking the key to earth, and my personal favorites Admiral Adama and President Roslin have finally realized that a different path is needed in order to preserve humanity, one that includes trusting the Cylons. You see their leadership falter as they both endure difficult realities, such as the Admiral's C.O. revealing himself to be a toaster, and Laura's cancer ever speeding her on toward death. This little band has endured close to hell to see the fulfillment of the prophecy that they would find earth, and as Bill takes that first step onto land, grabs a handful of dirt, and throws it away angrily, you know they haven't reached their resting place. Another mystery is yet to be solved before the colony can settle in renewed hope, and began again with the Skin-jobs by their side. The scenes just before landing on earth are everything they should be. The crew rejoices, Adama delivers a short but poignant speech, he embraces the woman that's given their vision strength, Lee hops onto the com and hollers like a madman, Celtic battle music plays in the background. Beautiful. But then the camera fades with Laura's cynical word, "earth," on a dreary, desolate beach and the ruins of a temple that look like they've been blown to pieces. Everyone is disheartened, human and Cylon alike, as they glance over what should have been a glorious end to all their perseverance and struggle. Wow. Great job Moore and Eick. I couldn't have thought of it better. Now, we only have to wait a few months to see the path grow darker before, hopefully, they can "lay their burdens down" in the light of their new home. Will Laura really die? Will Adama be able to maintain his sanity if she does? Will Saul and the Admiral forgive each other? Will Baltar ever confess his sin to the rest of humanity? Will the Cylons revert to their old ways? And of course...who is the final fifth? This show is not for the faint at heart but I recommend it to those who enjoy a good boxing match or a flight through the stars. You won't be disappointed.
Whats up Frenchie!
I actually liked the Happening... a lot actually. But who am I... most everyone else on the planet except for Adam and I hate it. Sometimes it feels good to be the minority though. I thought it was better than Lady in the...
Yeah you can write a review for Battlestar but I would prefer a whole season not just an episode.
I got your book printed out and marked up. I should be able to give you some feedback soon. I am in school right now and that is killing all my reading and free time. Ugh... one more class...one more month...
in school haha...
yeah i've been going back through my book too and man the first few chapters needed a lot of work. but i'm getting through it, cutting out a lot of detail etc.
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