Monday, July 25, 2005


I had a dream Saturday night in which a town was being attacked by mechnical godzillas that did an eye-zapping thing sort of like the tripods in "War of the Worlds." It was night and the city was full of people trying to escape. I had a young boy with me and we were warned not to hide out in a room that seemed safe because of its thick walls. Someone said the walls would heat up and the people inside would burn to death. So I ran, and although I never saw the godzillas, I knew in my mind what they were and that they had been here before. The next morning the city was devestated. But I and the young boy had escaped. We had written a message on the wall telling his father where to find us. He did and they were reunited.

So if this speaks to you...stay away from that room! Just keep moving forward.

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