The light at the end of the tunnel. And no that's not a demonic figure...that's Kimbo. I had a really sweet time worshipping the Lawd today. It's so easy to get wrapped up in what I ought to be doing or striving for that I forget He just wants to spend time with me. And that's more than enough; that's the foundation, the beginning, and the end. He is the Light I am moving toward. Seek Me with all your heart. That seems to come with a promise. You will find Him. And that's my heart's cry...to see Him face to face. So I'm taking dad's advice: not to get too wrapped up in the words or how worthy they are for writing down. I get a lot of impressions, ideas and I usually write them all down. It's the way that I hear best from the Lord...during worship. I can think the heavens are brass but put in some music or strum a simple tune and I feel Him flooding all over me...whether His presence or His words. Give me some time to put some words down and I feel a deep sense of fulfillment. Anyway, haven't written in a few days and although this is not earth shattering revelation I thought I'd share it. I was reading today somewhere how God left the Israelites some enemies in the promised land to test their hearts. Who would they turn to? Joshua died without having destroyed them all. And yes, you guessed it, the Israelites turned to their neighbor's pagan gods and ways of idolatry. God has brought them out of Egypt, across the wilderness, and into the land of Canaan. But they forgot Him so easily. I think in my own life without the fight I'd just as easily cast everything to the wind. I just want to say thank You.
1 comment:
Frenchie...good revelation...I like it...the test is to remember God and His nature. Neat...
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