Pride and Prejudice...can't wait...luv this fameous Jane Austin story. All us girlies are gonna have to see it. The book is awesome and the television mini-series with Colin Firth is also worth viewing. I heard this one takes a more grundgy approach to the filming. Darcy is the arrogant snob confronted morally and socially by the independent and outspoken Elizabeth Bennet.
Anyway, my birthday is this Friday boys and girls. So stop on by mom and dad's for some cajun seafood. Yay...I get my new snowboard tomorrow and get to play some music this weekend. Looking forward to it.
hmmm, I dunno if I could handle a colin firth-less P&P ;)
and "hippy barthday" if I don't see you before then!
yes a firthless P&P...ugh. i posted on ur bridget one but the comment wasn't showing up. luv that movie! it has so many good messages.
I think I have been colin firthless all my life. P&P huh? I bet you the Baeranger would go with you guys to see it. As for me and my house we will serve the lord. LOL Just Kidding. Happy have a great birthday weekend. Kim and My Jonny C song is goin to rock to show.
I'll be honest; there is some terrible tragedy going on with any movie my mom likes. P&P is one of those movies. It is in the same category as "Dirty Dancing" (if that makes you feel better).
-->Nobody puts underrower in a corner.
underrower...is that your name? why don't you go home to daddy, underrower.
underrower: i'm just so afraid that if i leave here now i'll never feel like i do when i'm with you.....cue the music...hungry eyes.
catch the firth in his parallel role in bridget jones. same character...same last name. brilliant!
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