Monday, January 02, 2006

Cool Dream

My family and I drove this van to the moon. I knew that you could buy tickets for around $4500 dollars to get there. I remember them opening the van doors and me thinking I would not be able to breathe. Once outside though dad and I drove around on a small vehicle. There were plateaus of snow and then huge mountains that had grass on them. Dad was driving pretty fast and then he went off a small cliff; though it scared me he knew what he was doing. We ended up in some house where more people came to have a prayer meeting. Someone had taken my "Part of Me" song and produced it w/ some other girl's bv's. We sat in a circle to hear people's prayer needs. And that's about all I remember.

It's been a hard month. Not in the sense of extreme battling but having to catch those little foxes. Part of me feels like it's just plain lazy and forgets what it means to have discipline. At the same time it's been a rewarding month with music and fellowship breakthroughs. I'm excited about new opportunities opening up. I've been so blessed by knowing His faithfulness.

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