Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Something to Chew On

Hey Chris, no hurry, but if you have some time, could I borrow some music? I picture this song having more of a funkier guitar groove. Something maybe like Dave Matthewsish. I don't know...but I feel it'd be beyond my playing skills right now. So if anything comes to mind let me know. :)

When the sun rises find lovingkindness
An addiction to fill up my veins
where my loss is Your gain, Your medicine
Despite what I’ve done, call me friend
Friends enough that I can listen
It’s okay God to be Yourself

I’ve got to be honest, I’m still afraid
That all You give can be taken
But I still believe I’m Your beloved
And I’ll love like a tragic hero
If I die or tears are mistaken
What I’ve given makes the rough smooth

You know why I’m here, why we mesh
I want Your heart or I’ll break apart
More than a guest, less of a slave
I want Your heart or I’ll break apart


Anonymous said...

Done and done...I needed something to work on...I'm stuck in a lyrical rut... :)

...I'll work on it tonight and see what I come up with!

Mad Frenchie said...

yeah i've been feeling like that too...

Anonymous said...

I might be able to make it this Friday...is a keyboard available?

Mad Frenchie said...

sure...ben's...lol...i can ask him if you want. he'll be there tomorrow even if he can't be there for the actual thang.