Wednesday, April 26, 2006
New Song
Whether you lie or tell the truth
Always give or live to take
Keep a promise or let them break
Make your rent or living the street
You can come just the same
Sing a song that touches Him
Whether you love or wait afraid
Hide in shame or feeling free
See there’s beauty or just the grind
Make the times or getting by
You can come just the same
Sing a song that touches Him
Take off your shoes now and dance, oh, dance
Unclothe your pride and make a sound
We lay down the idol of ourselves
We are in His courts, on holy ground
Shake off your burdens and dance, oh, dance
Put on His yoke and take off your own
We forget the idol of our pain
We are in His courts, on holy ground
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
This One, A long Time I have Watched

Monday, April 24, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
The Saintly Handicapped
Friday, April 14, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Today was a beautiful day. Aaron popped by on Robert's motorcycle, which I later rode with Robert through my neighborhood. Blue sky, warm sun, and green hills. Then, I went to see Bugz about getting my tattoo touched up a bit. Small world. He told me to tell Robert to call him while he's in town. Later, I went to Barnes to look up a book and visited some old co-workers. Ah, I do miss them. Ya ever feel like you know exactly how your life is going to turn out, at least in some aspects, and then it does a complete 180 on you? Not in a bad way, but it's unexpected. You have to adjust, almost like you're a completely different person. The ole butterfly metamorphis analogy might apply here. *INSERT* Anyway, in all my randomness today, I found myself seeing new possibilities and getting excited about them. It's really spring. It's easy to feel trapped in one part of your life because it's what you've been living in. But all it is, is the next stage that leads onto the next and the next. My advice? Stay adaptable or learn to be. Don't be afraid to make huge mistakes. Make them! And have fun. Gosh, we have to be here a while, may as well be fun.
Monday, April 10, 2006
The Weeping of Rachel
She weeps like a willow, her head low
Bent by bitter water, a bitter soul
There is no hope in her reflection
When she looks there is no alteration
And who could love such a woman
And who could see more than weeping
Sometimes love is best in grief
If redemption has a sound
Sometimes hope sleeps like beauty
If it’s lost it can be found
Sometimes pain strips our dignity
If a naked heart is what You crown
She weeps for the lonely, is she heard
Tears like a canyon river, bitter deep
There echoes of a comforting word
Nothing can separate us, no nothing
And she forgets all that is dying
And for a moment finds His love alive
Thursday, April 06, 2006
I'm looking forward to some art projects coming up. Yes, Jen, my first priority is to finish the epic translation of Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe from book to canvas. Then, I have to get rolling on a couple of tattoo ideas for Danielle and Maranda. Scott Vernon also asked me to do a banner similar to the one hanging in the sanctuary for him. And, finally, I want to design a girl shirt for speakingtothedead. If that's not enough, I want to begin designing a cd cover which I've had several ideas for.
I've been working on my longer story of late. According to Steven King you never set something down for long periods and come back to it. But rules be damned. Mark Twain put Huck Finn down for ten years before coming back to it. I'm enjoying just working on my writing skills. Gotta keep them fresh and sharp. Also, I was inspired by a passage out of Jeremiah, and another song I just love by Kevin Prosch. So I'm writing something about the weeping of a woman like that image of Rachel in Jeremiah. Dad, I'd love to work on this one with you. I'm thinking somber melody. Hey, that's my forte. Well...time for the daily grind.