Everyone check out my latest endeavor: myspace.com/amyfrench
Dad...I need an invite to sign up with gmail. I couldn't use my old email address so I gave one I don't have yet. I hope no one has it yet. :(
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
In the Workings
Well I wrote this about a week ago and have been tweaking it. Chris I'd like to play it for ya soon and hear what guitar stuff you're hearing. Also, Dad I definately hear some bv's in this one if you want to sing. It was a very dark day for me...don't really remember the specifics but the only thing that gave me comfort was the fact that He is Lord of all and has everything in His hands. Thus I call it "Lord of All."
Am E
All your friends have scattered with the wind
And the darkness as dark as it’s ever been
Am E
But there’s a light that rises on you
and dances in the night till you see the Truth
Am E
Instead of shame, a double portion
Instead of mourning, His compassion
I see the Lord
Sovereign King, Lord of all
And on a white horse
He rides forth with the dawn
I will trust in You
All my hope is You
The name high above
Am G
All praise to Jesus
Am E
All your trials have got you worn and tired
You’re so scared to even hope again
Am E
But there’s a light that rises on you
and dances in the night till you see the Truth
Am E
Instead of a desert, joy like a river
Instead of rejection, His inheritance
Am E
All your friends have scattered with the wind
And the darkness as dark as it’s ever been
Am E
But there’s a light that rises on you
and dances in the night till you see the Truth
Am E
Instead of shame, a double portion
Instead of mourning, His compassion
I see the Lord
Sovereign King, Lord of all
And on a white horse
He rides forth with the dawn
I will trust in You
All my hope is You
The name high above
Am G
All praise to Jesus
Am E
All your trials have got you worn and tired
You’re so scared to even hope again
Am E
But there’s a light that rises on you
and dances in the night till you see the Truth
Am E
Instead of a desert, joy like a river
Instead of rejection, His inheritance
Sunday, February 26, 2006
I was thinking back to my little escapade to the middle of nowhere somewhere near Charlottesville. What I was thinking about were the people there and how I have a soft spot for broken, forgot-abouts. It meant so much to me to be able to come into their home and minister some kind of hope. I don't mean this as condescending but my heart just overflows with love when I encounter someone who has no hope left, who does not see their potential, who feels like the world exists around them and they were put here somehow mistakenly. I felt the same for the gypsy home group in Macedonia. Those sort of people are closest to God's heart, and are able to tap into a power and grace most of us cannot fathom b/c we're so self-dependent. Anyway, I'll be late for church. Just wanted to share that this morning.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
New Format
Just a quick post on my newly formatted blog. So I dreamed last night that there was a woman in a room with Aaron, Jen and I. She had some kind of old gun, sort of like a revolver or 44 mag. We managed to tackle her and then dismantled the gun...took all the bullets out. I also had a gun and tried locking it up in my desk but the lock wouldn't work. I looked to my left and there was a screw sticking out of some dry-wall. I pushed it back into the wall. I wondered what was hanging on the otherside of the wall. And that's it.
1 John 3:16 (funny how it says something similar to John 3:16)
1 John 3:16 (funny how it says something similar to John 3:16)
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
The Five Do's of Supernatural Ministry (According to Jim Goll)
1)Earnestly desire spiritual gifts. 1 Chor. 14:1
2)Believe God's prophets and you will succeed. 2 Chron. 20:20
3)Pray the promises back to God. Jer. 29:10
4)Fight the good fight. 1 Tim. 1:18
5)Seek confirmation at all times. Deut. 19:15
Lots of labor for things being birthed. And He does not bring us to the point of delivery and then not go through with it. I had two dreams last night both involving babies in different scenarios. I believe the things He's bringing into existence are the works saved for the end-time church. That's why it's been such a painful process and will continue to be. We need the wisdom to care for His gifts, the discernment in how to execute them, and the perseverence to see them perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
2)Believe God's prophets and you will succeed. 2 Chron. 20:20
3)Pray the promises back to God. Jer. 29:10
4)Fight the good fight. 1 Tim. 1:18
5)Seek confirmation at all times. Deut. 19:15
Lots of labor for things being birthed. And He does not bring us to the point of delivery and then not go through with it. I had two dreams last night both involving babies in different scenarios. I believe the things He's bringing into existence are the works saved for the end-time church. That's why it's been such a painful process and will continue to be. We need the wisdom to care for His gifts, the discernment in how to execute them, and the perseverence to see them perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Good Morning to Ya
I woke up this morning with Hosea's chorus part running through my mind: "No I won't leave...no I'll never leave...for there you'll find the door..." I really sensed it was my Father singing over me. The song is coming along nicely. The Jews use to write in the Dorian Mode and if I remember correctly it is mostly composed in minor keys like Gm. So the overall sound of the song to me is Jewish. Chris made a nice transition into one of his songs and it would be neat to do them both perhaps one Friday night and Sunday morning without a break in-between (the songs of course). I was gonna mention something else but I can't be late for work. So ta ta for now.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Birds and Cooks
Friday nights are on. I must admit I have some fears going into this, such as: will I be left standing alone with another broken dream, will it end up being a tedious endeavor that will require more human effort than God strength, will I start to doubt my purpose in it all and bail out with failure to add to my record...BUT at the same time I am excited to see what the Spirit wants to do. I anticipate a new level of life in the Spirit, the kind that comes only through dying to yourself and giving yourself to others. Now that I think about it, I was going to share a dream I had last night and I believe I just got the interpretation concerning the above mentioned things. In my dream I had several small box-like aquariums on a kitchen counter. In them was water, some dirty, some cloudy. In the water were tiny, baby birds and I kept trying to feed them. I would move from container to container and I would say there was about five in all. I had tweezers that I used to lower chicken lunch-meat into the water. Sometimes the chicken would just dissolve. Sometimes it would not make it to the bird. And sometimes I forgot to feed them on time, as they needed a lot of food in the beginning. Eventually all the birds died because they were so young and needed more care than I could give. But there was one last aquarium that I paid special attention to and somehow the bird survived. And the small, ugly hatchling turned into a little man (along with furniture inside the water). I took the container upstairs to the bathroom to show mom. I laid out all the furniture on the bathroom counter and now it was beautiful wood that formed a small living room and one other room that I cannot recall. Wood also formed around the furniture as a floor, giving it the appearance of a log cabin without walls. That's about all I can remember. Anyway, overall I think it addresses my fears in that we can attend to many dreams/visions with great skill (at least to the best of our abilities) but sometimes those things are gonna die cause they're just not the right thing/right time. But they eventually lead to the right thing/right time b/c you've been doing it all along and needed Him to take it to the next stage of life.
A shout out to my homey Dave who'll be leaving us shortly for a short time. We'll miss ya!
A shout out to my homey Dave who'll be leaving us shortly for a short time. We'll miss ya!
Monday, February 13, 2006
Weird Dreams
My first dream last night consisted of me seeing a map...zoomed in to part of Germany. Eventually I was there (I think) walking around in a wooded area. But when I saw the map, there was a part near some water where I felt like a tribe of Hungarians or something to that effect lived. I kept thinking Hungates so that's all I can correlate it with right now. Later I went shopping with Susie and Gab. Gab was upset cause they didn't have a bed made by Abba.com I remember seeing Aaron there too.
Anyway, in my next dream there was this really small creature running around. I kep trying to catch it. Finally it ran into Maranda's room (however the room looked different). Someone had turned on hot water and it was running throughout the room. When I got it, it no longer looked like a small lizard/deer but a little boy. In fact he was large enough now to be a boy and I took him downstairs after having discovered his name was....drumroll....Hungan. Mom was on the couch and I gave him to her. He had a small clay doll with him that she said was probably worth tons of money. He just hugged her and that's all I remember.
So any thoughts?
Anyway, in my next dream there was this really small creature running around. I kep trying to catch it. Finally it ran into Maranda's room (however the room looked different). Someone had turned on hot water and it was running throughout the room. When I got it, it no longer looked like a small lizard/deer but a little boy. In fact he was large enough now to be a boy and I took him downstairs after having discovered his name was....drumroll....Hungan. Mom was on the couch and I gave him to her. He had a small clay doll with him that she said was probably worth tons of money. He just hugged her and that's all I remember.
So any thoughts?
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Remember the Book Worm in KQVI?
Feeling better today. I've been doing a lot of reading lately and I started last night John Elderidge's first book co-written with Brent Curtis called The Sacred Romance. I've always wanted to read this one because his friend Brent died tragically a short time after it was written and John makes mention of him in other books. Like Wild at Heart, Captivating, and Waking the Dead, it deals with reviving the heart from which the wellsprings of life flow. Here's a quote from it which I believe to be a good summation of what the book is about:
Romance is the deepest thing in life, romance is deeper even than reality.--G.K. Chesterson
The Romance whispers that we are someone special, that our heart is good because it is made for someone good; the Arrows tell us we are dime a dozen, worthless, even dark and twisted, dirty. Where is life to be found? The Romance tells us life will flourish when we give it away in love and heroic sacrifice. The Arrows tell us that we must arrange for what little life there may be, manipulating our world and all the while watching our backs. "God is good," the Romance tells us. "You can release the well-being of your heart to Him." The Arrows strike back, "Don't ever let your life out of control," and they seem to impale with such authority, unlike the gentle urges of Romance, that in the end we are driven to find some way to contain them. The only way seems to be to kill our longing for the Romance, much in the same way we harden our heart to someone who hurts us. If I don't want so much, we believe, I won't be so vulnerable. Instead of dealing with the Arrows, we silence the longing. That seems to be our only hope. And so we loose heart.
Romance is the deepest thing in life, romance is deeper even than reality.--G.K. Chesterson
The Romance whispers that we are someone special, that our heart is good because it is made for someone good; the Arrows tell us we are dime a dozen, worthless, even dark and twisted, dirty. Where is life to be found? The Romance tells us life will flourish when we give it away in love and heroic sacrifice. The Arrows tell us that we must arrange for what little life there may be, manipulating our world and all the while watching our backs. "God is good," the Romance tells us. "You can release the well-being of your heart to Him." The Arrows strike back, "Don't ever let your life out of control," and they seem to impale with such authority, unlike the gentle urges of Romance, that in the end we are driven to find some way to contain them. The only way seems to be to kill our longing for the Romance, much in the same way we harden our heart to someone who hurts us. If I don't want so much, we believe, I won't be so vulnerable. Instead of dealing with the Arrows, we silence the longing. That seems to be our only hope. And so we loose heart.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Recaps From Wonder
I finished this book about a week ago and it is really amazing. Same sort of flavor as Lewis' Weight of Glory. I recommend it if you're in the mood for some Spirit filled apologetics. Here are some of my favorite recaps from Recapture the Wonder:
On heaven:
The existential longing for the ultimate in beauty and serenity--that is heaven. To start with, knowing what it means to live by essence and not by function--what it means to be, apart from what it means to do--nudges open the door of understanding. In heaven, faith becomes sight. We see His presence in a way that our earthly being can never envision. (I am jumping around a bit here). In the human body, touch is a critical sensation. We know so much through touch, both of love and pain. Jesus introduces here the one aspect that is indispensable to the full enjoyment of sight and touch--purity. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God."
G. K. Chesterson once said that man is a misshapen monster with his feet set forward and his head set back. In other words, he wants to move forward, striving, grasping, climbing, but deep inside he knows that if he is to find rest at the end of the day, he must head back home or he will be dining with a different family each night---and even a banquet gets monotonous if you feast every night. Coming home to where the wonder is, is the way to retain it in perpetual rest of heart. In other words, progress and common points of return are not mutually exclusive idea. Because origination and destination are identitical venues does not expel progress.
Well...I am still feeling weary and worn out from this damnable cold. It doesn't seem to be getting better. It's one of those green snot, stuck down in the chest colds. I hate sleeping though...such a waste of time. So I try to do stuff and get all frustrated cause nothing seems very productive. Prince of Persia time. Peace out my homies.
On heaven:
The existential longing for the ultimate in beauty and serenity--that is heaven. To start with, knowing what it means to live by essence and not by function--what it means to be, apart from what it means to do--nudges open the door of understanding. In heaven, faith becomes sight. We see His presence in a way that our earthly being can never envision. (I am jumping around a bit here). In the human body, touch is a critical sensation. We know so much through touch, both of love and pain. Jesus introduces here the one aspect that is indispensable to the full enjoyment of sight and touch--purity. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God."
G. K. Chesterson once said that man is a misshapen monster with his feet set forward and his head set back. In other words, he wants to move forward, striving, grasping, climbing, but deep inside he knows that if he is to find rest at the end of the day, he must head back home or he will be dining with a different family each night---and even a banquet gets monotonous if you feast every night. Coming home to where the wonder is, is the way to retain it in perpetual rest of heart. In other words, progress and common points of return are not mutually exclusive idea. Because origination and destination are identitical venues does not expel progress.
Well...I am still feeling weary and worn out from this damnable cold. It doesn't seem to be getting better. It's one of those green snot, stuck down in the chest colds. I hate sleeping though...such a waste of time. So I try to do stuff and get all frustrated cause nothing seems very productive. Prince of Persia time. Peace out my homies.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Sable Pics #2
Amy's Sable Pics

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